Follicle Growth Rx System

Male-Pattern Baldness

Male-pattern baldness is the single mostcommon type of balding in men, and is controlledby a single dominant autosomal gene.This type of balding usually starts at the temples,then will gradually recede to form an “M”shape on the head – The hair on the top of thehead will begin to thin out, and over time, the man is left with a horseshoe pattern of hair aroundhis head. Some men will only have a recedinghairline or a bald spot on the crown of their head. The hair that remains in the baldingareas starts out as long, thick, and pigmentedand changes into fine,unpigmented sproutsthat grow at a slower rate. If a man beginslosing his hair during his mid-teen years, thereis a good chance he will become completelybald on top of his head.

Female-Pattern Baldness

Female-pattern baldness is caused by aging,genetic susceptibility, and levels of endocrinehormones (known as androgens). This type of baldingusually begins around the age of 30 andbecomes more noticeable at age 40. In some cases, it can become increasingly evident aftermenopause. Female-pattern baldness often causes the hair to thin out all over the head, butrarely progresses to total or near baldness as itdoes in men. This type of hair loss is permanent. In other cases, ladies may also suffer hair loss because of telogen effluvium, a temporaryshedding of hair brought about by breaking of the hair due to styling treatments, andthe twisting or pulling of the hair (alopecia areata). Patchy areas of total hair loss can also be caused by an immune disorder, oral medications, andcertain skin diseases.

Follicle Growth Rx is recommended for Men and Women experiencing Patterned Baldness, becauseit concentrates on correcting the balance of DHT in each individual’s system. The earlier you begin tocombat DHT, the better.

Other Scalp Conditions Which Cause Hair Loss Are:

  • Folliculitis – This is an infection of the hair follicles that comes about when the hair follicles are invaded by bacteria, fungi, or viruses.
  • Tinea Capitis – this condition is caused by mold-like fungi, and is popularly known as ringworm of the scalp.
  • Lichen Planus – is an inflammatory condition that can affect the mouth, skin, or both. When it manifests in the scalp, it causes reddish-purple bumps that are flat and may be extremely itchy.
  • Psoriasis of the Scalp – this is a skin condition that causes scaling of the skin to occur. Severe cases of psoriasis may cause temporary hair loss, but the hair grows back once the disease has been treated and is under control.

Good Health and Good Looks Often Go Hand in Hand

Cells responsible for hair growth tend to be very active and require a steady supply of nutrients.Though many necessary nutrients cannot be delivered to the scalp externally; Follicle Growth Rxworks beneath your skin’s surface, at the cellular level, to help correct the effects of toxicity andstress in order to promote natural beauty through a radiant healthy renew scalp, as well as a thicker,more robust and stronger hair.